

Indiánok. Lelkek. Túlélők. Claudia Andujar fotókiállítása / Yanomami. Spirits. Survivors.

Indiánok. Lelkek. Túlélők. Claudia Andujar fotókiállítása / Yanomami. Spirits. Survivors.

Yanomami. Spirits. Survivors. Photo exhibition of Claudia Andujar

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, June 23 2024

The Museum of Ethnography is to open its first contemporary photo exhibition in its new building. Titled "Yanomami. Spirits. Survivors" the work of Claudia Andujar, a Hungarian-origin photographer will be showcased, with collaboration from São Paulo's Vermelho Gallery. The exhibition promises an unforgettable experience for enthusiasts of ethnography, distant cultures, and contemporary photography, while also delivering a poignant message about the world of the Amazon rainforest.

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After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building.

The Icelandic electronic musical duo Kiasmos, which emerged in 2014, was formed by two well-known and experienced songwriter-producers. Though the pair made their initial breakthroughs in two different styles. Now, after a five-year hiatus, they are returning to performing concerts and will showcase material from their new album at Müpa Budapest.

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