

ExperiDance: Fergeteges - Sissi legendája

ExperiDance: Fergeteges - Sissi legendája

Once upon a time of the Emperor
Hungarian cultural ambassadors of music and dance on stage

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, December 14 2019 7:00PM

About the show

Queen Elizabeth, known as Sissi, married Emperor Franz Joseph I in 1854, and became the First Lady of the Empire of Austria at the age of 16. The beautiful, sensitive and untamed woman was fleeing the suffocating constraints inherent in her role throughout her life. She found happiness and love in Hungary, where the nobility adored her, especially Count Gyula Andrássy, considered to be the most handsome man in the country. However, their affection could never be fulfilled.
The legendary love inspired the co-production of ExperiDance Production and the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra. The heroes of the dance drama are a glorious queen, a daring count and a beautiful gypsy girl, who are dancing either the tense or agonising moments of never fulfilled passion. The amorous encounters and separations take place at a splendid ball, where the soloists of the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra provide lively dance music. In addition to the dancers, the band, which has been officially a Hungarian Speciality since March 2014, i.e. one of the top national performances in Hungary, guarantees a great theatre experience.
The music of the play features masterpiece melodies including Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody, Vittorio Monti: Czardas, Johann Strauss: The Blue Danube and Johannes Brahms’ Hungarian Dances.

Our offer

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