
Search: Budapest Music Center

A Kodály Kórus kortárs sorozatának első állomásán az idén 80. születésnapját ünneplő szaktekintélyt, Erdei Pétert köszönthetik a színpadon. Tolmácsolásában a 20-21. század zenéinek változatos színei, egyéni hangjai és hangulatai elevenednek meg a Kodály Kórus előadásában. Igazán sokrétű és különleges világ tárul a közönség elé a Kodály Kórus május havi koncertjén, Budapesten.

Mihály Borbély, who is equally at home in the fields of folk and world music, jazz and contemporary music, and who is extremely popular both in Hungary and abroad, is one of the leading figures of Hungarian jazz as a performer and composer.

Ill Considered continue to astound with their energetic and touching music, fusing free improvisation with a deep understanding of groove.

In this duo, they draw on their shared affinity for the music of Ethiopia, having both honed their languages in the company of musical elder statesmen from that country: Jernberg with Hailu Mergia, and Hawkins with Mulatu Astatke.

Returning with a line-up that changes from time to time, the collective will soon be releasing a new album, from which they will now give the audience a musical taste.

Six composers, six pieces, sixty-six years, but nothing diabolical. In fact, several aspects of the season’s only performance to be hosted at the BMC will direct the audience’s gaze skywards towards the heavens. We may rightfully label the evening a contemporary concert, although only one of the pieces on the program, featuring works composed between 1940 and 2006, was written after the turn of the millennium.

The Piastrella Trio their repertoire is predominantly influenced by fusion and modern jazz music, and the young musicians are inspired by great composers such as Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, and Jesus Molina.

There will also be a premiere in the spring series, but most of the plays have already been performed, but usually only once, but in the current arrangement, they will be able to show new associations and new connections.

Miquèu Montanaro, composer, flutist and accordionist, sets out on a unique journey from Provance through the Mediterranean to the farthest reaches of the world, integrating elements of distant musics into his own pieces.

Organ Grinder's Suite, paying homage to the relevant trios of the genre, earned critical acclaim and the trio is regularly perfoming its material. In the meantime they already started to work on new compositions, thus the audience of Opus already can hear some of these on the present concert.

Ágnes Lakatos and Kálmán Oláh's duo album Soaring, released in 2022, is a true musical soaring, which is realized in exciting improvisational dialogues, in the artistic expression of the nuanced freedom given by the jazz genre.

The band absorbs the material of the original recordings, sticking to the arrangements, forms and compositional features. As improvisation is at the heart of jazz, solos are invented by the players at the moment.

Featuring: János Szemenyei – actor Danubia Orchestra Conductor and Host: Máté Hámori

Formed in the spring of 2020, this trio brings together the talents of pianist Sámuel Baló, bassist Márk Miskolczi, and drummer Ambrus Richter. With a shared passion for spontaneity and creativity whilst searching for sincerity and energy in music, they captivate audiences with their dynamic performances, individual compositions and on the spot music-making.

Featuring: Danubia Orchestra Conductor and Host: Máté Hámori

Incorporating Latin American serenity and sweet melancholy, Cafuné's repertoire is made up of special pieces of traditional South American guitar music.

The D.A.S. Trio has been active since 2014. On this evening they will present their second album Netto Tetris, which will be released on the day of the concert, and they will also invite guest artist Kejdi Barbullushi.

Kocsis-Holper Zoltán doktori koncertje a Kodály Kórussal

Ég alatti 5 has been playing energetic music since 2015. The backbone of their repertoire is formed by their own compositions, which in style and drive are reminiscent of the hard-bop and modal jazz of the 1960s, yet unique in character.

A collection of short pieces ranging from wide soundscapes to carefully crafted melodies, small and refined instrumental pieces with an improvised dimension that suggest real life stories but leaves enough space for the listener to wander.

Zsigmond Gerlóczy, a twenty-eight-year-old pianist from Budapest, is a versatile, inquisitive musician.

For over 20 years Grencsó and Jordan have savored their international connection. From the early performances together at Gödör at Deák tér, Jelen near Blaha Lujza tér, and Trafó in Budapest, they have inspired each other into a whirlwind of improvisation.

The band is currently working on their latest album, on which Milán will be the guest again, so in addition to the quartet's best-known songs, this concert will also offer an insight into the material of the album to be released this autumn.

Inspired by the beauty and vastness of the universe, the band Alpha Trianguli starts its journey into the infinity of sound worlds.

Dániel Kinczel's trio takes the listener into the world of the pianist-composer's works, which were born as a love child of cool jazz and impressionist music, but also inherited some blues features.

Program: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: String Quartet in C major „Dissonanzen”, K. 465 Igor Stravinsky: Three Pieces for String Quartet Béla Bartók: String Quartet No. 1

Each member of the band is also an accomplished soloist, Fusion Circus' concerts are an exciting blend of colours and rhythms, a fusion of sounds.

Műsor: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: B-dúr zongoraverseny, K 595

Chamber music artpop is the most reliable expression to describe the specific genre of Mozes & Kaltenecker, a group with a strong jazz background.

Pianist-composer Lóránt Péch founded his trio in 2023 with the aim of performing his own compositions in combo arrangements.

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