

Olman Srdjan

Olman Srdjan

Srdjan Olman coming from Serbia, he is 31 years old, and he worked like a journalist on local TV station 8 years. In that time he applied to stand up comedy competition in one regional TV station. He win. After that he start to do stand up comedy…


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Srdjan Olman coming from Serbia, he is 31 years old, and he worked like a journalist on local TV station 8 years. In that time he applied to stand up comedy competition in one regional TV station. He win. After that he start to do stand up comedy professional, and start to live from comedy. Today, after 4 years, he had about 400 performance all around Balkan. His plan is to start to do stand up on English language, just he need a “little more a balls”. The name of his one man show is “North cold comedy” because he living in the north of Serbia. Srdjan like to say how he and Louis CK have a something together. That is Hungarian blood and in the same time inability to speak that language.

Central European Stand-up Gala (angol nyelvű előadás)

Central European Stand-up Gala (angol nyelvű előadás)

DNS-Dumaszínház Kulturális Egyesület
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