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Happy Birthday To You
A play in English by Kay Williams
Penelope is a college freshman excited to be away from home for the first time, and nervous to make new friends. When a college senior, Tara, and her impossibly popular friends offer Penelope a chance to be part of the group, she can’t help but say no. Feeling the pressure of holding on to her roots and friends back home, and embracing her new friends and lifestyle, Penelope is pulled deeper into the expectations of her new life. Her new friends prove to be nothing that she expected, and soon, Penelope finds herself in a world of mystery and secrets. Happy Birthday to You is a frightful coming of age dark comedy that will make you think twice about who you can trust, and who you let in! 

Timea Siklos: Margo
Ajna Marosz: Penelope
David Hunor Saxon: Dawson
(Zsike) Elizabeth Courage: Rachel/Ethel
Nóra Srankó: Sienna
Panni Wawra: Angel
Xenia Chzhou: Tara
Director of Acting Henry Fisher 
DramaWorks Theatre Company
Company Director Faye Bradbrook
Recommended for age 15+ due to mature content 

For further details about DramaWork Theatre School

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