

Lisa Gerrard & Jules Maxwell – BURN Tour 2025

Lisa Gerrard & Jules Maxwell – BURN Tour 2025

Thanks to the array of albums and film soundtracks she has made with both her band, as a solo artist and alongside various musicians, Lisa Gerrard – songwriter and singer of Dead Can Dance – possesses a voice that is one of the most recognisable voices in the world, yet also truly unique.

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Last event date: Tuesday, January 28 2025 8:00PM

In addition to her world-famous group, Gerrard also enjoys working with other artists and has released a series of duo albums – her collaborators include everyone from Pieter Bourke to Klaus Schulze and Hans Zimmer. In 2012, Gerrard began a joint musical project with Jules Maxwell, the keyboardist from Dead Can Dance, with their songs developed from improvisational play. Slowly but surely, these tracks have formed into Burn, an album of tribal ambient, world and modern classical music, released in 2021. After such a long wait for their first record, the time left before the 2025 tour is but a moment.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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