

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Wonderful Nativity

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Wonderful Nativity

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

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Last event date: Saturday, December 28 2024 4:00PM

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Wonderful Nativity

Evoking the excitement of anticipation and waltzing with angels in the bright starlight, to playfully immerse yourself in the Christmas wonderland. The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming. The joyful period comes to life in this marvellous world of games, Christian traditions and stories drawn from folk customs, and it is no secret that we might even see a snowman, snow fairy, or ‘táltos' shaman horse break out into dance now and then!

Performed by: Hungarian State Folk Ensemble dance group
Featured on audio recording: Martina Szerencsés, Milán Hetényi
Special guests: the Budapest Singing School Choir (artistic directors: Tamás Bubnó, János Mezei) - Rozi Fitos - Tamás Gallai

music director, programme curator, composer, artistic director: István "Szalonna” Pál
choreographers: Enikő Kocsis - Dezső Fitos - Gábor Mihályi
costumes: Gábor Michac
set design: Balázs Cziegler
animation: Vince Varga
dramaturg: Rozi Kocsis
director/choreographer, ensemble director: Gábor Mihályi
music director: Tamás Nyitrai
band director: Ferenc Radics
dance ensemble director: György Ágfalvi
dance ensemble assistants: Beatrix Borbély - Katalin Jávor - Máté Farkas - Zoltán Zsuráfszky Jr

Age: 4- year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Photo: Attila Nagy, Müpa

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