

 Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - The Sky from my Father's Window

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - The Sky from my Father's Window

The Sky from my Father’s Window gives us an insight into one of the most important secrets of life: how boys strive to become adult men, how it all happens in a struggle, and yet unnoticeably.

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Last event date: Friday, March 07 2025 7:00PM

The Sky from my Father’s Window gives us an insight into one of the most important secrets of life: how boys strive to become adult men, how it all happens in a struggle, and yet unnoticeably. A child observes his father from the safe embrace of his mother - this is the starting point, this is where the “dance adventure” sets off.

When we say “life”, we all think of different meanings, just the same as we say “father”. Therefore the aim of our show is nothing less than defining it as a common experience through a reminiscence, and to bring us all to the same thought of our fathers. The woman is just as much a part of our story as the man because there are no peas without carrots, as no tree without leaves. We wink towards the past and the future at the same time. The production leads us through an imagined story with the help of a variety of theatrical and everyday instruments, not only with dance and music but also with the aids of puppet show, video projection and live storytelling, leading us in our real and imaginary paths of life. This is not a traditional dance performance, neither in its music, nor in its dance moves, but every single bit of it relies on the old roots as it depicts the multidimensional emotions of a father and son relationship with the sincere respect of the past times - with own songs, movements and a unique form of language.

This piece is not only art, it is a way of expressing our thanks at the same time, so that we are able to express how good it is to follow the path of our ancestors, and tell how incredible traces they have left behind. Pain and beauty, crying and high spirits all have their place in the piece – we all could be ourselves, in peace. A child is watching his father, who is staring at a picture just hanging on the wall – and in this picture, one or the other of us is looking through a window watching a child staring at his father…



Contributors Dance ensemble and orchestra of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble
  Special guest of the premier on 2 December: Szabó Balázs bandája
Soloists: Szilvia Bognár, Balázs Szoboszlai
Puppet artist:  Viktória Makra
Music: Balázs Szabó
Choreographers: György Ágfalvi, Richárd Kökény, Gábor Mihályi
Costume design: Edit Szűcs
Stage design: Ákos Mátravölgyi
Film: Tamás Birinyi (The man in the film: Ádám Ottlik)
Director:   Balázs Szabó
Leader of the orchestra: Ferenc Radics
Leader of the dancers: Richárd Kökény

Beatrix Borbély, Katalin Jávor, György Ágfalvi

Artistic director: István Pál 'Szalonna'
Director of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Gábor Mihályi

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