Titkos Filmklub 5. (Fábri)
117 min, 2025
in original language with Hungarian subtitles
117 min, 2025
in original language with Hungarian subtitles
The film club invites you on a mysterious journey, at each stop of which we will discover a work that has become a cult from the cinema history of the past quarter of a century. Uncover the secret with your own eyes: you choose the adventure, but only we know the "destination"!
The exact titles of the films are secret, i.e. we will only reveal what will be on the cinema screen that night. However, you can feel free to be adventurous, as the films are characterized by the talent of legendary directors and actors.
Perhaps seeing the iconic objects associated with the films, the title of the work is already an open secret to you? A memorable film always worth watching again!
magyar dokumentumfilm, 81 perc, 2024 magyar nyelven
Az Exhibition on Screen sorozat 2020-ban született része Michelangelo, a híres szobrász, festő, építész és költő életét és munkásságát mutatja…
színes, magyar családi film, 98 perc 12 éven felülieknek!
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